Board Meetings
Third Thursday of the month @ 9:00AM at the USDA Service Center-Brazil
Next Meeting: Thursday, January 16, 2024- see Note:
Note: dates/times/locations subject to change depending on circumstances.
The Indiana State Department of Agriculture is once again offering a no-cost, soil sampling program for producers in the Mississippi River Basin.
The new program focuses on soil sampling and testing because it is a key component, and first step, of developing a plan for nutrient management. This program includes row crop, pasture, hay and specialty crop fields located within Indiana’s portion of the Mississippi River Basin.
Find out if you are in the qualifying region and learn more:
The Indiana State Department of Agriculture is once again offering a no-cost, soil sampling program for producers in the Mississippi River Basin.
The new program focuses on soil sampling and testing because it is a key component, and first step, of developing a plan for nutrient management. This program includes row crop, pasture, hay and specialty crop fields located within Indiana’s portion of the Mississippi River Basin.
Find out if you are in the qualifying region and learn more:
2025 Upcoming Events:
January 2025-
January 1-New Year's Day-Office Closed
January 20-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day-Office Closed
January 26-28-IASWCD Annual Conference-Indianapolis, IN
February 2025-
February 27-319 Otter Creek Steering Committee Meeting-Terre Haute, IN
March 2025-
March 13-CCSWCD in partnership with Clay County Purdue Extension Annual Meeting @ Clay County 4-H Fairgrounds-SNOW DATE: March 18
March 18-National Ag Week-Ag Together We Grow
March 14-Envirothon-Regional Competition
April 2025-
April 18-Good Friday-Office Closed
April 23-State Envirothon
April 27-May 4-70th NACD Stewardship Week-Home is where the Habitat Is
May 2025-
May 17-Experience Otter Creek 9:00AM-12:00PM @ Markle Mill Dam
May 22-319 Otter Creek Steering Committee Meeting-Terre Haute, IN
May 26-Memorial Day-Office Closed
June 2025-
July 2025-
July 4-Independence Day
July 12-18-Clay County 4-H Fair @ Clay County 4-H Fairgrounds
July 20-26-NCF-2025 Envirothon-Calgary, Alberta, Canada-Mount Royal University
August 2025-
August 1-17-Indiana State Fair
August 14-319 Otter Creek Steering Committee Meeting-Terre Haute, IN
August 26-28-2025 Farm Progress Show-Decatur, IL
September 2025-
September 1-Labor Day-Office Closed
September 3-5-Clay County Budget Hearings
October 2025-
October 9-2025 CCSWCD Nature Bowl
October 13-Columbus Day-Office Closed
October 15-17-IDEA Conference-Get your BUZZ on-@ Fourwinds Resort-Bloomington, IN
October 29-Nov 1-2025 National FFA Convention
November 2025-
November 11-Veteran's Day-Office Closed
November 27-Thanksgiving Day-Office Closed
November 28-Lincoln'd Birthday-Office Closed
December 2025-
December 11-319 Otter Creek Steering Committee Meeting-Terre Haute, IN
December 24-Washington's Birthday-Office Closed
December 25-Christmas Day-Office Closed
December 31-New Year's Eve-Closing at NOON